Monday, November 26, 2007


It's easy to think of being healthy, but really difficult to act on it. Actually its not very hard as you think, it is the habit of eating healthy that changes the course of your lifestyle. You may eat plenty of food but if you are not getting the nutrients then it is a waste. For a rich nutritious diet you need to include foods like vegetables, fruits, whole-grain products and fat-free or low-free dairy products. Eating vegetables and fruits help you control your weight and blood pressure. Whole-grain foods help you feel full, thus enabling you to manage your weight and eating fish especially salmon, and herring help lower your risk of death from coronory heart disease.

Many medical studies show thathealthy diets are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. Those who maintain a normal body weight are less likely to develop heart problems. Most importantly one needs to restrict saturated fat and minimize consumption of trans fats that are found in processed bake goods. It is recommendable to reduce consumption of beverages that contain added sugar and also eating foods with added sugar. If you want to be healthy, avoid tobacco and tobacco products as well as keep alcohol consumption moderate.

Staying healthy also means exercising. Physical inactivity is a major risk factor for cardiovascu;ar disease. Walking, swimming, cycling, jogging, dancing is all good for your heart. Adults from age 18-65 should get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise to stay fit. Daily physical activity improves blood circulation, keeps weight under control, prevents bone loss, improves the ability to sleep well, increses muscle strength, counters the conditions that lead to heart attack and stroke in later stages of life, helps manage stress,and especially in older people prevents chronic illnesses and diseases and maintains quality of life.

The botttom line for staying helathy is eating healthy low-fat foods, maintaing healthy body weight, maintaining regular physical activity, avoiding tobacco and consuming alsohol in moderation. After we all live just once, so why not live it the best.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


According to me, the most natural and popular form of exercise is walking, and the benefits that one reaps from this form of exercise is numerous. The best method to be followed is brisk walking- wherein one does not get so breathless{ should be be able to maintain a conversatin} and nor would I call it as strolling. A 30 minute to 1 hour would be great especially as it can reduce the risk of many diseases such as heart attack, lowers blood pressure,improves blood circulation and psoture, helps prevent osteporosis, reduces the risk of cancer of the colon and also reduces anxiety, tension nd improves ones mood.

Walking is something that can be done with the young and the old. Since walking strengthens the bones one is less likely to fall and suffer any injuries such as hip farctures, as well as there is better movement of the joints and muscles. One thing that encouraged me most about what I read few days back was that women who split their 30 minute walking into three 10-minute walks lost more weight and a greater decrease in waist size. The best thing about walking is that fat is burnt up instead of sugar, which helps in resucing weight. If you are ill, you need to consult your doctor who will surely tell you to walk first at very gentle pace, however later you can increase your distance and pace.

It is important for parents to show excitement to their kids about the prospects of walking especially to those children who are obese and inactive only watching TV and playing games on computers. Wether you want to keep fit, control your weight or improve your general health, walking can help. By making walking your daily routine, you can stay away from many physical and emotional illnesses. It is not late even now especially for those who have'nt started, beleive me. Its better late than never even if you are 40 or 60 instead of being a couch potato begin walking and make it your daily routine and see how you reap the benefit.

Monday, November 12, 2007


The other day I came across an article and I was startled to read that infected tooth and gums can lead to degrading of general health and untimely death. We are all so concerned about our general physical health and rarely do we think about our oral health. Other than the routine brushing that is done in the morning not much of care is given after eating or even before going to bed. But did you know that infected teeth and gums pump huge amounts of bacteria in blood during eating and swallowing, which is the main cause of heart problems and diabetes.

Quick action needs to be taken to improve or maintain dental health which in turn will safeguard general health. People have become so negligent towards oral health that any early symptom of the disease is regarded ass important and may even go unnoticed. Unless this attitude changes dental disease dental disease will be life threatening as any other disease. Top priority should be given to dental caries and disease of the gums, tooth cavities and oral cancer.

Patients with high risk of heart disease should maintain high level of oral health. Also studies have shown a variety of intracranial complications as well as systemic disease, gastro intestinal, ocular, skin and renal diseases that may occur as a result of dental infections.

A professional cleaning and advice needs to be obtained every 6-12 months from a dentist. The worst problem encountered with oral hygiene is foul smell from the mouth which is of great social embarrassment. Of course another major problem one encounter these days is oral cancer because of smoking, pan and ghutka chewing and various other tobacco products. These problems if not detected early can cause disfigurement and life threatening problems. As I said earlier ‘Health is Wealth’ so remember it’s not just the general health but the overall health including the tooth and the gums that needs to be taken care of. Also earlier the diagnosis earlier the treatment of dental problems preventing complications that can be life threatening.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Hi friends! Feels great once again back to writing blogs. The past few months had been very stressful and nerve racking. Thank God for His grace that keeps us going.

The one thing that crossed my mind during these months was the importance of being healthy. If you need to stay wealthy, then stay healthy as we all know that without health it becomes very difficult to achieve anything in life. It’s not the age but a healthy lifestyle that makes you live a very full and active life. So the best way you can enjoy life to its fullest is to exercise regularly, check your weight by eating the right kind of foods, saying no to smoking and drugs and last but not the least sleep well. Exercise not only improves your physical appearance and self confidence but also reduce your fat burning all those extra calories, but also reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

The best way to reduce fat is to avoid eating fried food, burgers and other fatty meats {easier said than done}. Cheese, milk and cream can be taken in low fat versions. The other day I read that according to the Food Standard Agency a balanced diet should be made up of around one third fruit and vegetables, one third bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods, 15% milk and dairy foods, 12% meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources pf protein and only 8% food an drink high in fat or sugar and not more than 6gms of salt a day.

Stress also has an important part to play in being healthy. You know the saying – a sound mind gives a healthy body. First of all try taking your mind of every negative thought. Read good books, listen to music, laugh as much as you can, be around those who talk and think positive. All these are good stress busters. Of course and last but not the least get enough sleep to revive your energy that will also enable you to work more productively and think more clearly.

So that’s it for now. In case you have not started or had given up I’m sure reading this will bring you in the mood of getting back fit and healthy .

Thursday, August 9, 2007


I shudder even now when I think of what I went through the very first time I stepped into the dentist clinic. I remember when I first felt the pain I started poking the affected tooth with a tooth pick, and I’m sure its not just me but most of us who are in the habit of doing this, aggravated the pain and later as it seemed to be getting worse, I realized that I had no other option except to meet the dentist for tooth extraction. The moment I sat on that chair and the dentist started to work on the tooth, I promised myself that it would be the first and last, as I am sure most of us know the excruciating pain one has to go through. A toothache hurts so badly when you’re eating, drinking and sometimes even when you breathe. One cant ignore the pain as it starts to bother you even when you are asleep.

The sign and symptom of toothache would be firstly the pain itself which becomes more severe as the area of inflammation increases. One would suffer pain on chewing, hot or cold sensitivity, there would also be bleeding, discharge and even swelling around the tooth or gums, there could also be trauma or injury to the area. Dental decay or an area of redness around the tooth’s gum line may point to the source of pain, as in, when you tap an infected tooth; it may make the pain more intense.

The cause of toothache could either be an infection in the pulp of your tooth or gums, or even decay. Even a piece of food caught between the tooth or even a sinus problem can cause a tooth ache. Gum disease and dental injuries can also be the cause of tooth ache. Only the dentist would know for sure what actually caused the toothache. But until you see him, you would surely want to ease your pain with some of the home remedies given below:
After each meal at bedtime take a glass of water and add a teaspoon of salt into it, and take a mouthful and hold it, roll it around your mouth and spit. If your toothache is caused by trapped food, take a mouthful of water and rinse vigorously. The best remedy which I have found that really works is dropping a few drops of clove oil directly on the tooth, or dab it on a cotton ball and pack it next to the ache, You can also chew a clove. A pinch of pepper powder mixed with clove oil can be put in the caries to alleviate tooth ache. Put ice on the aching tooth or the nearest cheek for 15-minute intervals three to four times a day. At night when you lie down, keep your head elevated to decrease the pressure in the area. STOP poking your tooth with toothpicks or pins, as it will only aggravate the condition. Try not to use that area when you eat, especially if the ache is caused by a blow to the tooth. For pain relief take an aspirin every 4 to 6 hours as required, however those with a history of ulcers and pregnant women would need a doctors recommendation. All the above remedies can only relieve the pain, not cure it. So, what I would suggest is better take good care of your tooth by brushing your tooth at least twice a day, preferably after every meal before it is too late. Remember “Prevention is better than cure”. to decrease the pressure in the area.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


It has become so common to hear that one is feeling depressed or moody. Infact one is even ready to acknowledge and talk about it in the open. Trying to bring a person who is sad or depressed back to normal is really hard work, but also leaving them alone to cope up with their depression would not be advisable, as they are vulnerable and can do anything to hurt themselves. I’m sure we all have heard of a number of suicide cases, especially due to depression. It is not wrong to feel pain, disappointment or sadness accompanied by anger, guilt or anxiety that come from a loss or trauma, as we all go through such feelings, however, what I call as unhealthy depression would be when the individual is unable to function in any one or more areas of life, such as work or relationships due to these feelings.

Depression may be referred to a state of sadness or unhappiness, or a low down feeling that may last only for a few hours or even days. A depressed mood is generally associated with grief or a loss. A job loss, break-up, divorce, loss of a loved one, marriage, divorce etc. anything could trigger a depressed mood. Financial difficulties, domestic violence, or even the inability to express one’s feeling and a feeling of not being accepted can lead to sadness or grief. Depression gives the signal that it is time for some change or action in one’s life and if the individual is not ready for this change and instead holds on to their grief’s and negative feelings for weeks and months, it requires professional help soon.

Some of the causes of depression are: genetic factors, biochemical factors, for example, individuals with too little or too much of brain chemicals, and also different sleep patterns and certain medications. Psychological factors, as with persons with different traits- worrying, negative thoughts, low self esteem. Some of the environmental factors causing depression are a financial loss, major illness or a difficult relationship.

A few symptoms of depression are: loss of appetite or weight changes, fatigue and loss of energy, insomnia or oversleeping, loss of interest in hobbies, social activities, inability to focus, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, outburst of anger and physical symptoms including headaches, backache, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, and aching joints.

Below are given some of the home remedies that can uplift your mood: Eat an apple with some milk and honey. In a cup of boiling water add some rose petals with sugar and drink this whenever you feel depresses. Cashew nuts are extremely beneficial in treating depresion. A well balanced diet is very important. Try a little garlic therapy as it is good when you’re feeling down. Eat chicken and spinach and enough of omega-3 fatty acids to ensure the brain are at the healthiest, as a healthy brain is less likely to become seriously depressed. Rest and relaxation, plenty of sleep, exercise, happy thoughts and laughing are good ways of fighting depression.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Did you say that after doing that work out you couldn’t move? You felt stiff. Every time you try your muscles pain. I’m not surprised. That’s because you either don’t work out regularly or you over did the exercise. Muscles that are not used too much work, causes the muscle fibers to break down, and that is what is causing the pain. Also there are chances of a muscle tear during your work outs and the muscles swell slightly contributing to muscle strain that gives you the feeling of stiffness and soreness. You tell me it’s not just the exercise, but even when you are sleeping so peacefully your leg seized with painful cramp and you howled in pain. Your right, it is not just the exercise but a pinched nerve that caused the cramp.

The cramps are due to anything that interferes in the mechanism restricting the flow of blood to that area causing severe pain or a muscle cramp. Muscle sprain can occur due to over tracking ligaments that surround the joints. Although any muscle can be injured, it is the hamstring {the one which runs along the back of the thigh from the knee joint to the buttocks}, that is the most commonly pulled muscle. Normally a pulled muscle results in severe pain that could worsen, and also get bruised after some days.

Relax, there is no doubt you are in much pain, but there are several ways of treating a pulled muscle at home. If it is the muscle cramp that you got during your sleep , then the next time before going to bed, take a few minutes to stretch the muscle especially the calf muscle. Take plenty of calcium rich food like broccoli, spinach, and dairy products. Massage before you go to sleep to keep those muscles loose. If it is while exercising that you got the muscle cramp or a pulled muscle, then, the first and foremost thing you need to do is just stop. If not there can be chances of seriously injuring the muscle. Place an ice pack on the injured area immediately, as this will reduce the swelling and pain and also wrap an elastic bandage on that area so as to reduce stress on that muscle. A good method for easing the cramp is to strech the cramped muscle in one hand and gently squeezes the centre of the muscle with the fingers of the other hand. To get the blood flowing back, walk for a few minutes. It is also beneficial to apply a hot pad for say about four minutes and ice pack for one minute. Once the swelling and soreness has subsided you can continue with hot baths adding Epsom salt to help relax the muscles. It is normal to feel stiff and sore for a few hours after over exercising, infact you will feel even worse two days afterwards. A gentle massage can ease muscle stiffness and soreness. The best way to prevent cramps and injuries is to warm up the muscles before exercise, as in walking instead of stretching first. Warming up and stretching before an activity will get your muscles ready to work and help prevent muscle cramping. Some people get cramps even if the weather is too cold. The best way to prevent muscle cramping is to keep the muscles warm with adequate layered clothing.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Who does not want to feel young and stay young forever? I for one would love to at least look young and presentable as I am getting older. Believe me I have seen and would really like to congratulate some of those who still look young and wrinkle free even after crossing their 50s.It’s true you can’t avoid aging, but you don’t have to end up all crinkled and creased. It has become so difficult to staying youthful and having a glowing skin in our kind of environment, especially because of the hot and humid climate and also the pollution that causes our skin to accumulate dirt, grime and tanned. Thus in course of time the skin looses it’s texture and starts to wrinkle and look older. The worst enemy of the skin is sun exposure and 90% of skin aging is due to sun exposure. The ultraviolet-A rays that cause enormous damage are present all day long in all seasons. These rays wear away the elasticity of the skin causing wrinkle,

The factors that cause wrinkles are chemicals, stress, improper skin care, diet, and nutrition and lifestyle habits such as smoking. Another factor is gravity. The corners of the mouth turn down, eyelids droop, the tip of the nose dips. The muscles that make you laugh, cry, wink can leave permanent creases over time.

You may not be able to prevent certain body changes; however, you can protect your skin from wrinkle formation by using the following home remedies:

The most important way of protecting your skin from the sun is to wear sunscreen everyday. It not only minimizes the chance of growing wrinkled, but also protects you from skin cancer. Whatever may be your skin type, applying sunscreen should be as part of your routine. The earlier you make it a habit, the better for your skin, as it will keep you looking youthful in the later years. Applying a moisturizer can also temporarily improve the appearance of wrinkles. The best way is to apply on wet skin. To protect your skin around your eyes, where crow’s feet form and sunscreen may not reach, you must wear sunglasses that will protect your eyes from the glare. Smoking can cause premature wrinkling. Squinting from smoke irritation can worsen crows feet and also pursuing the lips to puff on a cigarette can contribute to vertical lines around the mouth. You need to train yourself to sleep on your back, as sleeping with your face pressed against your pillow can cause sleep lines over the years. We may not be aware of the expressions we make, and need to modify some especially if it is part of your reaction to stress, then you need to do some relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and taking things very cool. Apply coconut oil on the portions of the skin and face where wrinkles set in and gently massage every night at bed time. Banana is also a wonderful anti-wrinkle treatment. Mash ¼ banana until very creamy and spread it all over face and leave it for 15-20 mts before rinsing off with warm water followed by a dash of cold. Another good remedy you can try is apllying the white of an egg on the face keep it for 20 minutes and then wash.

Monday, July 30, 2007


We need to be so careful about eating from roadside joints and from other unhygienic places as diseases can spread easily. Typhoid fever is one such disease that is mainly related to hygiene and sanitary conditions rather than the climate itself. It is mainly because of contaminated food and water; as the germs are passed in the feces and, to some extent, the urine of infected people. Back to the days before antibiotics, one in five of untreated sufferers died of the disease. I’m sure we all know that anyone with typhoid usually have sustained fever as high as 103- 104 degree Fahrenheit. Now just because the person has fever does not mean that one is suffering from typhoid. For the final diagnosis to be established, the bacteria have to be detected in the samples from stool, blood or other tissues.

Typhoid fever is caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. If the immune system is unable to stop the infection in the bowel, then it will multiply and spread to the bloodstream, with the first sign of fever. In the second phase of the disease, the bacterium penetrates the immune tissue of the small intestine, and thus violent small bowel symptoms begin.

The common causes of Typhoid fever would thus be mainly ingestion of contaminated food or water, especially contamination of water where there is inadequate sewage system and poor sanitation. It is also caused when the person is in contact with a chronic carrier or with an acute case of typhoid fever.

The common symptoms that can be observed in Typhoid fever are constipation followed by diarrhea, bloody stools, fever especially at night, chills, stomach pain, weakness, fatigue, malaise, sore throat, slow heart rate, uneasiness, general discomfort or ill-feeling.

Some of the common home remedies for curing typhoid fever: First of all the patient should be well looked after. As the patient is ill, a high energy, protein, fluid diet is recommended in the beginning. Only easily digestible fruits like sweet lime, oranges etc. may be given and should be kept in a clean and airy room. Mash a ripe banana along with 1 tablespoon honey and eat twice a day for few days. Eating banana pulp mixed with butter milk reduces the fever during typhoid. Drinking hot water mixed with honey as well as drinking apple juice is beneficial. Another good remedy is to boil five cloves in water for 10 minutes and filter this. After cooling drink this decoction twice a day and get relief from Typhoid fever. Once the fever goes down semi-solid foods like khichiri, rice with curd, custard and kheer may be given.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


There was no denying the food was excellent, and everyone who attended the party kept appreciating the food and could not hesitate going in for a second serve, except for Mr. Mathur who looked worried. He kept glancing at his watch giving us all a clue that it was time to leave. When I confronted him he told me that it was not the time factor that worried him, but the fact that he couldn’t eat and relish the food like others because of the pain and discomfort in his belly that bothered him as he was suffering from gastritis.

Gastritis is a troublesome condition which gives rise to many complications if not treated in time. It is an inflammation in the lining of the stomach that has many causes. Gastritis can be either acute or chronic or it can be a part of another medical illness. For most people gastritis isn’t serious and improves quickly with treatment, while for others it can lead to ulcers and also an increased risk to stomach cancer.

Normally when the stomach’s protective layer becomes damaged, the person tends to develop gastritis. A number of factors cause or trigger gastritis: excessive use of alcohol can irritate the stomach lining and make the stomach more vulnerable to digestive juices causing gastritis. Severe stress due to major surgery, or injury, burns or severe infections can cause acute gastritis. Some nonsteroid anti- inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen and other drugs can cause acute and chronic gastritis. Another cause would be when the pyloric valve which is ring like sphincter muscle which prevents bile from flowing into the stomach from the small intestine does not work properly or has been removed because of surgery, bile can flow into the stomach and cause gastritis. As said previously gastritis can be a part of any medical illness, including liver and kidney failure, HIV/AIDS, parasitic infections and Crohn’s disease.
The symptoms that Mr. Mathur complained often were burning abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, belching, a feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen after eating and also weight loss. Sometimes gastritis may also cause stomach bleeding that causes the person to vomit blood or pass black tarry stools which requires immediate medical attention.

Some of the home remedies that I have heard of that are quite effective are:
Consuming coconut water throughout the day as it contains loads of vitamins and minerals and it also gives rest to your belly. You can also drink half cup juice of potato 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals. Lemon juice with a pinch of salt and also drinking just plain water gives relief. In order to stimulate digestion, chew a small piece of fresh ginger with salt, five to ten minutes before meals. Also try a teaspoon of ajwain with a little rock salt. Amla capsules are also very effective and don’t forget to go for a half an hour walk daily.

Monday, July 23, 2007


I’m sure all of us would love to get a good night’s sleep, and there are also some who not only love sleeping in the night, but also during the day. However, a common complain we hear from so many these days is that they don’t get enough sleep. Are you one among them? It is said that 1 out of 15 people suffer from insomnia, which is a condition affecting millions of people. Those who suffer from insomnia may not be able to fall asleep. They may wake up during the night and not be able to fall back to sleep, or they may wake up too early in the morning.

Insomnia is a serious sleeping disorder that leads to anxiety, fatigue, severe depression, and lack of concentration, irritability, lack of motivation and productivity and variety of health problems. Since the effect of insomnia is severe adults can be at risk of injury and physical and emotional difficulty. Insomnia can be transient {short term}, intermittent {on and off}, or chronic {on-going}. Chronic insomnia is either primary which is not related to any health problem or secondary which is caused by a medical condition such as cancer, asthma, or arthritis or drugs, stress or mental health problems. It is said that women are twice more likely to suffer from insomnia than men.

The most common cause of insomnia is mental tension brought about by worry, anxiety, overexcitement or even overwork. Other causes could be anger, bitterness, feeling of resentment, constipation, overeating at night, smoking; excessive tea or coffee, dyspepsia or even going to bed hungry all can cause sleeplessness. Also environmental factors such as noise, light and stale air can cause insomnia.

It is very easy to pop up a pill and put yourself to sleep. But even before getting addicted to the pills, I would recommend you to try the natural treatment which would be the safest and easiest way of putting yourself to sleep:
Drinking a cup of warm milk, sweetened with honey every night before going to bed is said to be very valuable in getting sleep. Another good remedy is, rubbing your feet with an aromatic body lotion or dipping your feet in a hot tub before bed time. Try and drink a cup of lemon tea or chamomile tea. I have also heard of curd being useful in insomnia. You can eat plenty of curd and even massage it on the head, as this will induce sleep. Try to include raw onion salads into your daily diet; this brings sleep without any side effect. Regular active exercise during the day and mild exercise before bed time enhances the quantity and quality of sleep. It is best that the person take a low salt diet as salt is said to interfere with a restful sleep. It is also a good habit to read, as it will help you sleep at the same time you get to enjoy a book. I have heard that this one really works- comb your hair and then ask your beloved to simply tingle the hairs of your head. Meditation is said to be a sure shot for bringing normal and deep sleep.

So, here’s wishing you all a good night’s sleep.

Friday, July 20, 2007


I must commend my husband for being so health conscious. Of course, once in a way he doesn’t mind eating mouth watering food he likes, but a daily high fat meal is out of the question, and thank God for that watchful eye he keeps over me, stopping me from putting extra salt, or sugar or that extra oil which is really dangerous to health. Eating a healthy diet and walking as exercise is what keeps him fit and free from the silent killer as it is known – High Blood Pressure or Hypertension that can lead to severe damage to then heart, brain and kidney and increases the risk for heart attack, stroke, heart failure and kidney failure.

High blood pressure develops without any sign or symptoms. It is said that you have 90 per cent chances of developing it at some point in your life. High blood pressure does not mean excessive emotional tension, although emotional tension and stress can temporarily increase blood pressure. The normal blood pressure is below 120/80 and 139/89 called as “pre-hypertension” and blood pressure of 140/90 or above is considered high. The first and higher number is the systolic which measures the pressure when the heart beats, and the lower number is the diastolic and measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest between beats.

I’m sure we all would want to know what that cause’s high blood pressure is. There are two forms of hypertension: Essential and Secondary hypertension. There are several factors that cause essential hypertension and is a common condition, while the cause of secondary hypertension is due to a specific abnormality in one of the organs or systems of the body. Essential hypertension develops in groups or societies that have a fairly high intake of salt, genetic factors, obesity, lack of exercise and aging. Causes of secondary hypertension are a symptom of a disease or a factor such as kidney disease, endocrine disease, steroid medicines, contraceptive pills and pregnancy.

High blood pressure if not complicated usually occurs without any symptoms, that is why it is called the “silent killer’ because this disease can progress to finally develop any one or more of the dangerous complications of hypertension such as heart attack or stroke. Some people experience symptoms such as headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, and blurred vision.

A few of the home remedy to be noted if your blood pressure is high: Eat a papaya first thing in the morning every day and do not eat for two hours after that. You can also eat two cloves of garlic first thing in the morning, every day. Another beneficial remedy is eating two apples a day as the pectin in apples helps lower high blood pressure. Avoid meats, sugar, tea, coffee, pickles, and fried food. Eating amla also helps. Another remedy is to drink 2 cups of potato water daily. As cucumbers are good diuretic and calming agent, it helps to bring down the pressure. Try eating a cucumber everyday or drinking ½ cup of fresh cucumber juice along with carrots and parsley. Crush watermelon seeds and put them in a cup of just- boiled water and let them steep for an hour. Stir strain and drink this half an hour before a meal. Talking slowly, and also deep breathing exercises first thing in the morning and last thing at night brings blood pressure levels up to normal.


It was not unusual to see my friend Gwen, whom I often met, with a handkerchief tied tightly on her forehead and groaning in intense pain.Infact, she would keep tightening the band so hard, I wondered if it was the pain of the headache or the tight band that made her cry with pain. During such moments she would hate anyone coming to meet her and would always keep her room dark by pulling the curtains so that even a tiny ray of light would not enter her room as that, she said, increased the headache. This sort of headache which she usually suffered from is called Migraine headache, and one of the most common problems seen in emergency departments and doctor’s clinics. The best thing to do to relieve the throbbing pain, double vision and nausea is to lie down in a dark, quite room.

About 15% of the population suffers from Migraine and it is found that it is more common in women than in men. Migraines are due to changes in the brain and surrounding blood vessels. During a migraine attack, the temporal artery enlarges causing the nerves to release chemicals causing inflammation, pain and further enlargement of the artery. In some cases, these painful headaches are accompanied by a sensory warning sign, such as flashes of light, blind spots, tingling in the arm or leg and also nausea, vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. A migraine can last up to 72 hours if left untreated.

A number of things can cause or trigger a migraine. Stress, food especially alcohol; beer; wine; chocolates; fermented, pickled or marinated foods, certain canned or seasonings, skipping meals and even fasting can trigger a migraine. Changes in the wake-sleep pattern, physical factors even a sexual activity may provoke migraines. Hormonal changes, changes in the environment, sensory stimuli including perfumes, scent, bright light etc.

The typical symptoms that Gwen suffered during an attack was head pain with throbbing quality, nausea sometimes with or without vomiting, headache that worsened with any physical activity and also sensitivity to light and sound. All migraines are not the same. Some, who suffer migraine with auras which continue after the headache starts or even occur when the headache begins may see sparkling flashes of light, experience slowly spreading blind spots in the vision along with dazzling zigzag lines and also feel tingling pins and needles sensation in one arm or leg. Sometimes several hours or days before the actual headache strikes one may experience severe thirst, irritability or depression, drowsiness and craving for sweets.

Since I had read about home remedies, I told Gwen to try these before the onset of the severe headache. It is advisable for the chronic migraine sufferers to seek medical attention. Some natural home remedies are: Dipping a few cabbage leaves in boiling hot water making it soft, and as soon as they become cool, place one or two thickness on the forehead and the back of the neck, securing them with a scarf or bandage and relaxing as the cabbage draws out the pain. Another good remedy is making a fine paste of crusts of a lemon and applying it as plaster on the forehead. You can also bathe your feet in a basin or two plastic shoe boxes filled with very strong, hot, black coffee and also recommendable to drink a cup or two. Slowly inhale the fumes of a jar of strong mustard several times.

Friday, July 13, 2007


It is that time of the year when the young and the old are not spared. Yes, it is the monsoon, and the time when diarrhea is common. They say, ‘Diarrhea is one of your body’s defense mechanism. It is the body’s way of getting something nasty out of your system.’ Some well known drugs may stop diarrhea, but they interfere with the natural process of cleansing which the body desperately needs. Diarrhea is a health problem and can be defined as the passing of frequent watery stools accompanied by painful cramps, nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea in babies and small children can be dangerous. Infants are easily dehydrated, and they lack the ability to tell you exactly how they feel.

In short, diarrhea is flushing bacteria or viruses from the body which you might have ingested by eating unclean food, especially food eaten from hawkers. Most cases of diarrhea resolve within a few days, rest and intake of extra fluids are required to prevent dehydration. Dehydration is particularly dangerous in children and the elderly, and must be treated promptly to avoid serious health problems. If diarrhea becomes a chronic condition, or if it affects the very young, elderly, or the chronically ill, it can be dangerous.

The causes of diarrhea include viruses, food poisoning, reaction to food and stress. Diarrhea can also result from drinking impure water, as well as some drugs, especially antibiotics and also too much of alcohol. Gastroenteritis is one of the most common infections that cause diarrhea. Eating or drinking foods contaminated with bacteria can cause diarrhea.

Symptoms related to acute diarrhea are fever, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. All or none of these may be present depending g in the disease causing diarrhea. The number pf bowel movements can vary depending on the disease causing diarrhea. Dehydration can occur if diarrhea is severe particularly in very young and elderly patients, and in severe cases, it may lead to acute renal failure and confusion and drowsiness.

If diarrhea persists for more than one or two days, then it would be a serious problem, but if it is a temporary bout, home remedies may ease the symptoms. The most important remedy is to drink plenty of liquids, at least eight cups of fluids a day. Plain water is gentle on the tummy. To replace the fluids that are lost from the body electoral water, weak tea with little sugar, and fruit juices other than apple and prune helps. It is best to drink liquids that are little cool and also to take frequent sips instead of guzzling down a glass at a time. Avoid carbonated beverages.

Have a lukewarm chicken broth with a little salt added to it.

It is best to have easy-to-digest foods which include rice, soup, noodles, bananas, potatoes, cooked carrots, skinless white chicken, toast, and yogurt. It is best to avoid all dairy products except yogurt for one to two weeks after you have diarrhea.

Sugar and greasy or high-fiber foods can increase diarrhea.

Experts insist that letting diarrhea run its course is the best medicine. The best choice over-the-counter product would be Imodium, which causes the bowel to tighten up.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Don’t get puzzled at your reflection in the mirror. The yellowish appearance on the skin and the white of the eyes is a sure proof of knowing you’ve got jaundice, which occurs when the blood contains an excess of the pigment called bilirubin. This excess of bilirubin causes the skin, eyes, and the mucus membrane to turn yellowish color. Jaundice is most common of all liver disorders affecting the liver, and is also common in new born babies which usually clear without treatment.

You may have been wondering why and how on earth you could have got jaundice even after taking so much of precautions. Actually jaundice may be caused by a number of factors such as: Hepatitis, inadequate blood flow to the liver, pancreatic cancer, Hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver congenital disorders involving bilirubin, Malaria, obstruction, alcohol abuse and subsequent scarring of the liver can cause significant cell damage causing jaundice..

Normally most waste products of the body are excreted in the urine via the kidneys, however, the other main physical route for these substances to be excreted are the liver and the bile system. In case of the bilirubin from old red cells, passes to the blood stream to the liver, where the cells process it, and also produce the liquid bile. Bilirubin passes out through the small and large intestines and is excreted in the stool. Some is reabsorbed back into the body through the bowel wall, and appears in the urine. Any failure or obstruction of the bilirubin pathway leads to a build up of bilirubin in the blood, which gives the yellow tint on the individual’s skin, causing jaundice.

A complete blood test, an abdominal ultrasound, and also a liver biopsy are the tests that are done on the individual to diagnose jaundice.

The symptoms of jaundice are mainly the yellow discoloring of the skin, eyes and mucus membrane, dark urine, abdominal pain or swelling, nausea, itching, and light colored stool {gray or yellow].

Some of the beneficial home remedies for jaundice are : Drinking tomato juice with a pinch of salt early in the morning, or even carrot juice is highly beneficial. A high intake of lime juice is another remedy. Half cup beet root juice with half a lemon squeezed cures jaundice in a short period. Oils, fried food, butter, turmeric and spicy and sour products, pickles should be highly avoided. All liver problems can be cured with an intake of 4gms gooseberry with water thrice a day daily for 15-20 days. Consume 1 cup juice extracted from radish leaves 2-3 times a day.

Friday, July 6, 2007


Picking up her son, trying to comfort him as he kept holding his ear and crying and howling in pain, the lady standing beside me could do nothing except wait for the doctor to check what was wrong. She was not surprised to hear him say that it was the small piece of foreign object that her son had playfully stuffed inside his ear that had caused the problem. It is not just children, but also adults who are in the habit of putting either cotton or bobpins inside their ear which later on causes ear pain or infection.

Most commonly earache is a result of ear infection which is due to invasion of fungus and bacteria in the ear. Because of the bacteria infection caused by water deposition and by the exertion of force upon the ear surface by fluid there is an obstruction in the Eustachian tube which results in ear ache. Earaches can be painful to extremely painful and is a common problem among children and adults.

In most cases ear ache is caused due to blockage in the ear tube, objects stuck in the ear, sinusitis, ear wax, and ear injury, damage to the eardrum, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, cold and allergies. Ear ache can also be caused due to ear infection or any other ear disease, nose mouth or throat infection, injury to jaw bones, fungus growth in the ear and so on. If you want to prevent ear aches, refrain from putting anything in the ear such as fingers, pins, cotton swabs etc, as this can cause damage to the eardrum by getting something stuck in the eat, while blowing your nose, do it gently, when swimming wear earplugs and do not swim in dirty water, also avoid smoke as much as possible as this can increase your risk of infection.

Whenever you suffer from earache you will notice that you have mild pain in the ear, hearing loss, fever and occasional discharge from the ears, mild itching, swelling, thick discharge from the ear. Infants may have symptoms like diarrhea, irritability, poor feeding. Some home remedies for ear ache that can prove effective is pouring some garlic juice in the paining ear, since garlic has antibiotic qualities that help relieve the pain. You can also apply 2 drops of ground holy basil leaves inside the ear, another good remedy would be boiling 3-4 cloves of garlic in some water, mash them and add a pinch of salt and wrap this in a woolen cloth or flannel and place it on the aching ear. Put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in the aching ear, you can also apply heat to your aching ear using a heating pad or a warm cloth

Thursday, July 5, 2007


One may think that an abdominal pain is quite common, so why take it so seriously. Take my advice, don’t wait till it gets serious, cause that is just what most of us tend to do. Since one can’t always judge the severity of the cause by how much pain you feel, it could be a result of either eating too much or even something more serious. It can range from mild to severe acute pain. The time and location of the pain help in finding the cause. You may experience a brief or lasting pain for a few minutes or it can even be constant, or sometimes it will come in strongly. There are times when you can feel the sharp, dull, stabbing, cramp like or twisting pain, and sometimes the pain can make you feel very restless. Actually the term abdominal pain is the pain arising from the organs within the abdominal cavity that includes the stomach, small intestine, colon, liver, gall bladder, and pancreas.

Excessive gas, heartburn, ulcers, appendicitis, Ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, cholecystitis, appendicitis, food allergy, food poisoning, bowel obstruction, hernia, kidney stones, urinary tract infection, parasite infections, Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis could be the possible causes of abdominal pain.

Persistent or severe abdominal pain must be evaluated by a physician. Urgent surgery may be required for those with acute abdominal pain, such as for appendicitis, perforated peptic ulcer, intestinal obstruction, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cyst, and also urgent treatment must be given to those with kidney stone, gall bladder disease and pancreatitis. You also need to seek emergency help if the pain radiates to your chest, neck or shoulder, on finding blood in your urine, if pain is accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, bleeding or high fever, if the abdomen pain is sudden and severe, and also if you find blood in your urine and the abdomen feels swollen and tender. In many cases of abdominal pain one can wait, use home care remedies, and call the doctor only if symptoms persist.

Excessive gas, heartburn, ulcers, appendicitis, Ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, cholecystitis, appendicitis, food allergy, food poisoning, bowel obstruction, hernia, kidney stones, urinary tract infection, parasite infections, Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis could be the possible causes of abdominal pain.

If pain is around the naval, take 1gm of ajwain with lukewarm water, 2-3 times, with one hour intervals, or apply paste of pinch of asfoetida {heeng} with lukewarm water around the naval area. An effective home remedy for abdomen or stomach pain is grating a small piece of ginger and squeezing out its juice and applying it on the bottom of your belly and massaging it gently. Other few remedies that I know of is drinking lemon tea with some honey added to it, as well as drinking plenty of water, as this helps ensure smooth bowel movements. Another home remedy would be drinking a mixture of 1tsp each of mint juice and lime juice with some ginger juice and black slat added to it. More than anything if you see that the pain still persists and there is no relief then do visit the doctor as it could be pain rising from any other source which could need emergency treatment.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Wondering why you always feel tired, fatigue, loss of energy and getting short of breath, then its time to see your doctor as you are probably suffering from anemia. Anemia is a condition that develops when blood is deficient in the healthy red blood cells, which transport oxygen to the organs of our body. If there is less count of red blood cells in the hemoglobin, then the body is not getting enough iron, and symptoms of anemia appear since the organs are not getting enough oxygen. Anemia can be life threatening, and a large amount of blood loss, even without signs or symptoms of anemia should cause you to go to the emergency department.

There are many types of anemia, and all are different in their causes and treatment. The most common type is the iron-deficiency anemia, and the anemia that develops during pregnancy is considered normal. Some types of anemia maybe lifelong health problems. The people at risk are women and people with chronic diseases. Some types of anemia may present lifelong health problems. Anemia can also be associated with medical conditions such as hemorrhage, ulcers, menstrual problems or cancer.

Iron deficiency anemia is most often due to blood loss in adults, which can be in the form of menstruation in women, or also from small amounts of repeated bleeding, due to for instance colon cancer. Another cause could be due to gastrointestinal bleeding caused by medications; one very common drug would be aspirin and Ibuprofen. Iron deficiency anemia in infants and young children is due to diet lacking iron. Acute blood loss from internal or external bleeding and hereditary disorders can cause anemia.

Some of the natural home remedies I have come across useful are, drinking a cup of beetroot juice and apple juice mixed with either sugar or honey once a day. Eating a lot of green leafy vegetables helps increase iron, as well as taking honey helps in increasing the hemoglobin in the blood and it is also rich in iron, copper and manganese. Consume a ripe banana with 1 tbsp of honey twice a day. Try cooking in iron pots; it is proven that it can significantly increase the amount of iron in your food. Eat a diet rich in cereals, rice, dairy products{milk, yogurt, cheese}, vegetables, fruits, meat, poultry and fish, eggs and nuts as this has been proven to help the immune system.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I can still recall that incident so freshly in my mind, bending down to lift the bucket of water and all of a sudden screeching in pain which intensified even at the slightest movement. I stood there motionless unable even to take another breath and the only thing I could do was wait for the doctor to arrive and keep crying because of the unbearable pain that I was undergoing and also thinking that probably I would never be able to walk again. I’m sure, like me there are so many of you out there suffering from back pain at some point or the other in his or her life. Well, don’t loose hope, the good news is ,if your back pain is not a major cause of injury or disc problem, some home remedies can bring you back in few days, and even better is that with these remedies you would not have to face the same discomfort anymore.

A healthy spine is S-shaped when viewed from the side, curving shoulders and inward at the neck and the small of the back. There are structures between vertebrae that act as cushions in the intervertebral disks, which may be injured with the ordinary wear and tear of living.

The main reason we often suffer from back pain is because we tend to become sedentary, sitting most of the time in the offices at the desk, or in vehicles instead of walking. The most vulnerable are the women due to childbearing, which puts a heavy load on her back, especially during the last two months of pregnancy. We normally do not think of the severe strain that causes on the back muscles due to lifting weights, or heavy objects as well as the not so heavy, like carrying a ten pound bag of groceries or a briefcase filled with books and papers. It is because of the poor posture, over exertion in work and play, sitting incorrectly and lifting things carelessly that generally cause back problem. Other causes of back pain can be strains, micro trauma, muscle tension and nutritional deficiencies. Sometimes back pain may be immediate, or in other cases it may develop over a period of time.

There are simple things you can do to keep the back pain in check. Mild exercises are the best relief to back pain. Exercises that will ease your back- walking short distances, mild swimming, and stretching can actually give you relief from the pain. Avoid sudden turning or bending motions, which can hinder back pain relief. Applying ice pack over the hurting area is also one way of relieving the pain, however, if pain continues for more than four or five days, then try using heated pads over the affected area. Some effective back ache cure home remedies I must say is drinking juice of one lemon with a pinch of common salt twice a day, this acts as a great back pain reliever. Applying garlic oil also gives much relief. Take 10 garlic pieces and fry them in oil, either sesame oil, mustard oil or coconut oil on low flame. Keep frying till the garlic turns brown. Let the oil cool completely, then apply it on the back and keep it four about three hours, and thereafter take a warm bath. In a few days you will feel the change. Consuming 2000mg of Vitamin C that is mainly found in citrus is considered as very beneficial for getting rid of back pain.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Seeing a loved one or for that matter even anyone suffering from Asthma is not a very pleasant sight. Especially as the person keeps wheezing and feeling short of breath making them restless and getting cyanosed is really unbearable to stand and watch precisely in a full blown asthmatic attack. The person with Asthma becomes so helpless and restless as they fall short of breath because of the less intake of oxygen in the body. To get control over Asthma, one needs to track the symptoms overtime, it’s best to watch out for itchy throat, running nose, headache, chest tightness and, feeling of tiredness. Early warning itself is really bothersome, but the real problem is when they develop into a fully blown asthma. There are times when people are exposed to asthma triggers; the airway becomes narrow, mucus increases making it so difficult to breathe. One can at once notice when Asthma is life threatening when the person has trouble focusing or talking, the nostril size increasing with each breath, which is a clear sign that they are working hard to take each breath and cyanosis that is a medical term for a grey or bluish tint on the skin especially around the mouth.

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects your breathing causing the airways to become inflamed and irritated with some kind of substance or situation. During an attack of Asthma the airways tend to get red and swollen and the passage gets narrower and less air flows to the lung tissue producing mucus which is produced in larger than normal amounts, making it hard to breathe. Allergies are the causes of almost all asthma in young people, the patient has both inherited genes that have a tendency towards asthma and have been exposed to allergy- producing things in their environment. Both allergies and genes are the causes of Asthma. Asthma is a health challenge for both adults and children. It can affect people at any age, but half of those suffering from asthma develop it during childhood, usually before age 10. It also affects people of all races, and it does tend to run in families. The various ways to classify asthma are those triggered by pollens, mold, pet dander etc, also those triggered by vigorous activity or exercise and those triggered by irritant in the work environment.

Asthma can be fatal and dangerous. Most of the time, medicine is needed to treat asthma effectively. However, there are some home remedies available that can also produce positive results. Boil six cloves in half a cup of water. Take a teaspoonful of this with honey thrice a day. Since honey is said to be very efficient home remedy in its treatment, the aroma from the jar of honey if held under the nose of an asthmatic is supposed to be very effective choice of treatment. Honey can also be eaten or mixed with milk. Garlic is another excellent choice in treatment of the condition. Hot ginger tea mixd with crushed garlic can be taken twice daily. A teaspoon of turmeric powder mixed into a glass of milk is considered to be very effective.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


The latest amazing news that caught my eye while reading from was that, simple household tasks such as doing the laundry, ironing or washing up may reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. It said that light activity was associated with a lower blood glucose level. High glucose levels are associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Doing light intensity activity, such as doing the ironing or folding clothes or going for a gentle walk was beneficially associated with lower blood glucose levels. It was found that every hour of light chores completed, there was a 0.2 drop in blood glucose levels. Almost everyone knows about someone or the other either family or friend suffering from diabetes.

Diabetes is a disorder of metabolism. The main source of fuel in our body is glucose, and most of the food we eat, is broken down into glucose, which after digestion passes into the bloodstream, where it is used by cells for growth and energy. Insulin must be present for glucose to get into the cells. In people with diabetes, the pancreas either produces little or no insulin. In the blood the glucose builds up, that overflows into the urine, and passes out of the body in the urine. Thus the main source of fuel is lost from the body. There are three main type of diabetes: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Type 2 is the most common diabetes associated with older age, obesity, family history, previous history of gestational diabetes and physical inactivity. The fasting blood glucose test is the test for diagnosing in children and non pregnant adults. It is done in the morning. Diabetes is recognized as one of the leading causes of death and disability, and is associated with long-term complications tat affect almost every part of the body. The discovery of insulin was the first major breakthrough in diabetes treatment. Adults with diabetes are at higher risk for cardio vascular dsease.People with diabetes must take responsibility for their day-to-day care.

It is noticed that those with obesity, tension and worries, high blood pressure, hereditary, high cholesterol, insulin deficiency and insulin resistance are the cause diabetes. Those with diabetes normally complain of hunger and thirst most of the time. They do not tend to put on weight and get tired easily. Feeling very weak, looking very pale and itching around the genital organs are some of the other complains.

Today many are trying to follow home remedies for diabetes which can also bring a lot of change in their lives. Here are some diabetes cure home remedies:
Eating three grape fruits three times a day is considered most beneficial. Taking 1tbsp of gooseberry juice and mixing it with a cup of bitter gourd juice is another effective remedy. Take 15 fresh mango leaves and boil them in 1 glass of water. Keep it overnight and filter and drink the next morning. Taking ten tulsi leaves, ten neem leaves and ten belpatras with a glass of water early morning on an empty stomach works wonders in keeping the sugar levels under control. Eating 10 fresh fully grown curry leaves every morning for three months prevents diabetes due to hereditary factors and also cures diabetes due to obesity.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


After a few minutes of checkup, it was not difficult for the doctor to diagnose the case as cataract and conveyed the message to the elderly man who complained of cloudy blurry vision, especially even during examination as the doctor flashed the torch, he said he had problems with lights, including head lights that seemed too bright, glare from lamps or bright sunlight, he also complained of poor night vision, difficulty in reading, and poor night vision.

A cataract is the clouding of the eye’s natural lens, which lies behind the iris and the pupil. The lens not only works as a camera lens, it also adjusts the eye’s focus letting us see things clearly both close and far away. A cataract starts out small, and at first has little effect on the vision. The three types of cataract are: Nuclear cataract- which forms in the nucleus and is due to natural aging changes, Cortical cataract- that forms in the lens cortex, and is found in many diabetics, Sub capsular cataract- which begins at the back of the lens, and is found with people suffering from diabetes, high farsightedness, and those taking high doses of steroids.

Why the lens change as we age, no one knows for sure. Studies suggest that exposure to ultraviolet light, and other types of radiation is associated with cataract development, Airline pilots have a risk of developing nuclear cataract, and astronauts from cosmic radiation. Eating a lot of salt, a diet high in antioxidant, Vitamin C and E may increase your risk on cataract development. Cigarette smoking, air pollution and heavy outdoors are other risk factors. A study has found that reduced cholesterol levels within the eye’s natural lens and in a portion of the brain linked to vision.

Here are a few home remedies that can be effective: Eating loads of raw carrots on a daily basis, if not raw then you can go in for carrot juice once in the morning and then later in the evening is considered valuable as a part of cataract home remedy. Eating 2-3 cloves of garlic everyday and chewing them slowly cleanses the crystalline lens of the eye. Another effective remedy is to put a few drops of unprocessed honey and juice of in the eyes.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


When we hear that someone in our family or a dear one has heart disease, we tend to worry only because we know how important the heart is. An article I read on the Web MD ( says that Coronory Heart Disease {CHD} is more frequent in women than in men, often because we are older when we develop heart disease and there is evidence that it is not related to menopause. Also a new study indicates that women respond differently to conventional treatments, and have different symptoms, such as shortness of breath and fatigue rather than chest pain or heaviness that men frequently have. The brutal truth is that when a woman suffer from a heart attack, she is more likely than a man to die, be permanently disabled, or have a second attack within a year.

Heart term is a term used for different number of different disease which affects the heart. The most common are: Coronary heart disease, Ischemic heart disease, cardiovascular disease, hypertensive heart disease, vulvular heart disease, hereditary disease. The term “heart failure” can be frightening. It does not mean that the heart has “failed” or stopped working. It means the heart does not pump as well as it should. About 25 to 30 percent of people who have heart disease don’t even know it until something serious happens. It is a good idea to see your doctor for a regular check up and have your cholesterol and triglyceride levels and your blood pressure checked and monitored. If you have chest pain, especially you feel you have an elephant sitting on your chest after climbing the stairs; this could be a warning signal. Nausea or stomach upset, sweating, even if you haven’t been exercising, and feeling weak or tired are some of the symptoms of heart disease.

Conditions that increase a person’s risk for heart disease are called risk factors. The risk factor you can’t do anything about includes: Male sex, older age, family history of heart attack, being post-menopausal. Other risk factors that can be changed include: Smoking, high cholesterol, hypertension, lack of exercise and obesity. Some ways you can reduce your risk of heart disease is to quit smoking, improve cholesterol levels, control high blood pressure, get active, eat right, control diabetes, and manage stress and anger.

Some of the home remedies for heart disease are: Use of amla- being a natural source of Vitamin C, it prevents heart problems. Also daily use of lemon prevents heart problems as it prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessels. Beet juice is considered to be most effective, and daily intake of two pieces of garlic boiled in milk is beneficial for the prevention of heart problems. Fresh grape juice tone up the heart and apple juice and apple jam can be taken in liberal amounts. Regular exercise and brisk walking is most important for a healthy heart. Salt should be restricted and a well balanced diet containing fruits, vegetables and cereals with natural fiber recommended. Excessive intake of alcohol should be avoided and check should be maintained on the two main enemies of the heart that is diabetes and high blood pressure.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Since my maid stopped coming since three days without any prior notice. I started getting worked up thinking of all the chores that had to be done without any help, and to add it my whole body was aching. Just as I begin to grumble again, the door bell rings, and there she stands with sorrow and pain written all over her face. Before I can bombard her with questions she tells me of the bad time she had to go through since her husband has been diagnosed with kidney stones. She also said it was the initial stages, but since he kept complaining of severe pain especially starting from the lower back and abdomen to the groin, and sometimes he vomited and also had painful and burning urination, she had to attend to him. She asked me if I knew of any remedy that could help him pass the stones. I thought of the home remedies I read and shared it with her.

Kidney stone is not a very uncommon disorder. They vary in size from sand, gravel like to the size of a bird’s egg. They are formed from the chemicals found in the urine such as uric acid, oxalic acid, phosphorus and calcium. Most of them are composed of oxalate or phosphate. The latter is common in the presence of infection.. In the majority of cases the cause of kidney stone is unknown. Urinary tract infection, kidney disorders such as cystic kidney disease and also a person with family history is likely to develop stones.Hypercalcuria, excessive intake of vitamin , gout, urinary tract infection are the causes of kidney stones. Also certain foods may promote stone formation.

Since it was just the initial stages and not very serious, I advised her to give him lots and lots of fluid as well as barley or coconut water so as to flush out the small particles of dissolved stones. Watermelon is the safest and best diuretic which can be used with beneficial results. Onion decoction is very helpful. One can drink this by adding water to some bulbs of onion as well as sugar. Regular intake of celery is also valuable for those who are prone to getting stones in the kidney or gall bladder. A very effective remedy I read was drinking 2 oz of olive oil mixed with 2oz of lemon juice followed by 12 oz of water.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Most of the teenagers and also a good number of adults suffer from acne and the condition is not just confined to any age group, race or sex. It affects hundreds of millions of people all across the world. It is not very unusual to develop acne in mid-to-late 20’s, even if they never ever had any breakouts before. Acne, or pimples are one of the worst skin conditions that can have a psychological and social impact on you. While acne is not a life threatening disorder, it can cause permanent scars. Sometimes looking in the mirror can make you scream. Most of us try all the advertised creams to get rid of it. In my opinion instead of spending so much on creams and medications the best way to treat and pamper your skin would be using home remedies that would not only be cheaper on your pocket, but also you will find your skin looking better and better everyday.

Acne is a term used to describe whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. It is a skin problem that is caused by the sebaceous glands which excrete an oily fluid that builds up in the pore of the skin, which is caused by bacteria, plugged skin, natural hormones, junk food, dirt stress, cosmetics and also junk food.

The home remedies that can help your skin free from acne and pimples are given below and I’m sure they will work out for you. Mixing lemon juice with rose water and applying to the affected skin and washing it off with clean water after half an hour usually shows great results in a few days and in a couple of weeks acne should completely disappear. To prevent pimples and blackheads, apply a paste of fresh methi {fenugreek} leaves over the face every night for 10-15 mts and wash with warm water. Applying ripe tomato pulp for one hour and also rubbing a little bit of toothpaste on your pimples before going to bed helps. Simple home vinegar is an effective acne cleanser. Mix it with a little salt and gently rub your face, and wash off after 30 mts. Make a cucumber paste, apply it on your face and let it stay there for several minutes. It will moisturize your skin and you will see a definite improvement on your skin.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I clearly remember the years when I would almost everyday wake up with a running nose and sneezing or a nasal congestion and feel so miserable. It was not just the climatic changes or what I ate or drank that brought the onset of cold. I dreaded the times I had to continue to live with it along with the running nose, body pain, headache, sore throat, loss of appetite and aching muscles. Often I would go to the doctor who would prescribe some antibiotics and medicines which for a time would help, but I did not want to continue with that. Everyone around me tried to help, however, I would always be irritable, until one day I came across a book on home remedies for cold. I started with those remedies and it not only made me feel much better, but also became more chirpy and active. Since we are all familiar with cold, I thought of sharing this remedy to others.

The common cold is an inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, and is contagious and can be caused by a number of viruses which can live and be acquired on objects such as pens, books, coffee cups etc. It is mostly spread by hand-to-hand contact. In case there is fever and persists or returns after three days then it you may have developed bacterial infection.

Amla being a rich source of vitamin C eating one twice a day or drinking the juice strengthens the respiratory immunity. For mucus and first signs of cold, steep 3 or 4 slices of ginger in cup of boiling water. Add honey to taste.
Drinking a hot cup of milk to which ½ tsp of turmeric powder and sugar is added gives much relief from cold. So also garlic juice made by adding few drops of garlic oil to a teaspoonful of onion and diluting it in a cup of water is very helpful.
If you want relief from a dry and stuffy nose, then normal saline or salt water nasal drops made by adding ¼ tsp of table salt to about 4 ml lukewarm water will give much relief. Also black tea prepared with black pepper powder, dry ginger powder and tulsi leaves taken 3 to 4 times a day relieves running nose, headache and sore throat.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Looking at my watch, I was amazed to see how fast time flew. The summer heat being so unbearable, my friend and I thought of spending some time at the beach. It was fun watching the children play in excitement and more than anything I was enjoying the cool air and the sweet corn we bought from the stall.

Suddenly my friend cried in pain as she held her hand on her abdomen. I tried to help not knowing the reason. She stayed in that position for some time and then relaxed. I thought, well, now its time to go home. Later as we were traveling back home she told me that she often got this pain and burning sensation in the upper abdomen due to Acidity. She also said she often complained of headache, vomiting, lack of appetite and heartburn. From all that I have read and gathered I tried making her aware of the causes and how careful she needs to be of her intake on hot spicy foods, fats, sweets and also adulterated and fermented food. She complained of stress which in turn led her to anger, worry, fear which also is the main cause of Acidity. The other few reasons for Acidity, I explained is excessive intake of strong tea or coffee, garlic, onions and also smoking; at that she said never smoked. I also explained of how careful she needs to be on taking any anti-inflammatory drugs and also Aspirin.

Acidity when it begins is quite a simple problem, but can get out of hand easily. The excess production of acid by the gastric glands of the stomach, results in the condition known as acidity. It can also be bought under control if one works on achieving a balance on the physical, mental and spiritual area.

Since she was very hesitant to visit the doctor and wanted to avoid medications such as antacids which she felt would have unwanted side effects I guided her to some practical home remedies for Acidity which would surely give her some relief. Drinking tender coconut water 3-4 times a day will soothe the stomach; also taking 200-250 ml of cold milk in sips would prove beneficial. Taking fresh mint juice everyday and a piece of jaggery every hour would also subside and ease the acidity, and as for fruits watermelon, banana and cucumber would reduce the acidity.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Bleeding Nose or Epistaxis


One of the most common but scary problem an individual may develop is nose bleeding or epistaxis.Most nose bleeds occur when blood vessels in the nasal passage rupture. The nose contains many tiny blood vessels that bleed easily. Air moving through the nose can dry or irritate the membrane lining the inside of the nose forming crusts which bleed when irritated by rubbing, picking, or blowing the nose. For an adult it may be a warning sign of blood pressure, but rarely a sign of nasal growth, cancer or leukemia. In children it is usually a result of nasal drying. Therefore, any bleeding from the nose if persists needs to be evaluated by the doctor.

Causes of nose bleed:

The most common cause is dryness caused by indoor heat in the winter and nose picking. The other less common causes include injuries,, allergies, cold. Children because of sticking foreign objects up the nose may lead to nose bleeding and older people may have infections, high blood pressure and blood clotting disorders or they may also be taking drugs that interfere with blood clotting. Also repeated sneezing and blowing the nose very hard can cause the nose to bleed.

Home Remedies:

Ø House packs should be applied from outside on the nose.

Ø Use juice of fresh coriander leaves as nasal drops.

Ø Drinking tulsi juice mixed with honey will help and provide extra strength to the body.

Ø Pour some vinegar on a cloth and wash the neck, nose and temples with it.

Ø Juice of flower of pomegranate can be used for deep inhalation.

Ø The patient should wash his face and head with cold water.