Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Seeing a loved one or for that matter even anyone suffering from Asthma is not a very pleasant sight. Especially as the person keeps wheezing and feeling short of breath making them restless and getting cyanosed is really unbearable to stand and watch precisely in a full blown asthmatic attack. The person with Asthma becomes so helpless and restless as they fall short of breath because of the less intake of oxygen in the body. To get control over Asthma, one needs to track the symptoms overtime, it’s best to watch out for itchy throat, running nose, headache, chest tightness and, feeling of tiredness. Early warning itself is really bothersome, but the real problem is when they develop into a fully blown asthma. There are times when people are exposed to asthma triggers; the airway becomes narrow, mucus increases making it so difficult to breathe. One can at once notice when Asthma is life threatening when the person has trouble focusing or talking, the nostril size increasing with each breath, which is a clear sign that they are working hard to take each breath and cyanosis that is a medical term for a grey or bluish tint on the skin especially around the mouth.

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects your breathing causing the airways to become inflamed and irritated with some kind of substance or situation. During an attack of Asthma the airways tend to get red and swollen and the passage gets narrower and less air flows to the lung tissue producing mucus which is produced in larger than normal amounts, making it hard to breathe. Allergies are the causes of almost all asthma in young people, the patient has both inherited genes that have a tendency towards asthma and have been exposed to allergy- producing things in their environment. Both allergies and genes are the causes of Asthma. Asthma is a health challenge for both adults and children. It can affect people at any age, but half of those suffering from asthma develop it during childhood, usually before age 10. It also affects people of all races, and it does tend to run in families. The various ways to classify asthma are those triggered by pollens, mold, pet dander etc, also those triggered by vigorous activity or exercise and those triggered by irritant in the work environment.

Asthma can be fatal and dangerous. Most of the time, medicine is needed to treat asthma effectively. However, there are some home remedies available that can also produce positive results. Boil six cloves in half a cup of water. Take a teaspoonful of this with honey thrice a day. Since honey is said to be very efficient home remedy in its treatment, the aroma from the jar of honey if held under the nose of an asthmatic is supposed to be very effective choice of treatment. Honey can also be eaten or mixed with milk. Garlic is another excellent choice in treatment of the condition. Hot ginger tea mixd with crushed garlic can be taken twice daily. A teaspoon of turmeric powder mixed into a glass of milk is considered to be very effective.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


The latest amazing news that caught my eye while reading from medindia.com was that, simple household tasks such as doing the laundry, ironing or washing up may reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. It said that light activity was associated with a lower blood glucose level. High glucose levels are associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Doing light intensity activity, such as doing the ironing or folding clothes or going for a gentle walk was beneficially associated with lower blood glucose levels. It was found that every hour of light chores completed, there was a 0.2 drop in blood glucose levels. Almost everyone knows about someone or the other either family or friend suffering from diabetes.

Diabetes is a disorder of metabolism. The main source of fuel in our body is glucose, and most of the food we eat, is broken down into glucose, which after digestion passes into the bloodstream, where it is used by cells for growth and energy. Insulin must be present for glucose to get into the cells. In people with diabetes, the pancreas either produces little or no insulin. In the blood the glucose builds up, that overflows into the urine, and passes out of the body in the urine. Thus the main source of fuel is lost from the body. There are three main type of diabetes: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Type 2 is the most common diabetes associated with older age, obesity, family history, previous history of gestational diabetes and physical inactivity. The fasting blood glucose test is the test for diagnosing in children and non pregnant adults. It is done in the morning. Diabetes is recognized as one of the leading causes of death and disability, and is associated with long-term complications tat affect almost every part of the body. The discovery of insulin was the first major breakthrough in diabetes treatment. Adults with diabetes are at higher risk for cardio vascular dsease.People with diabetes must take responsibility for their day-to-day care.

It is noticed that those with obesity, tension and worries, high blood pressure, hereditary, high cholesterol, insulin deficiency and insulin resistance are the cause diabetes. Those with diabetes normally complain of hunger and thirst most of the time. They do not tend to put on weight and get tired easily. Feeling very weak, looking very pale and itching around the genital organs are some of the other complains.

Today many are trying to follow home remedies for diabetes which can also bring a lot of change in their lives. Here are some diabetes cure home remedies:
Eating three grape fruits three times a day is considered most beneficial. Taking 1tbsp of gooseberry juice and mixing it with a cup of bitter gourd juice is another effective remedy. Take 15 fresh mango leaves and boil them in 1 glass of water. Keep it overnight and filter and drink the next morning. Taking ten tulsi leaves, ten neem leaves and ten belpatras with a glass of water early morning on an empty stomach works wonders in keeping the sugar levels under control. Eating 10 fresh fully grown curry leaves every morning for three months prevents diabetes due to hereditary factors and also cures diabetes due to obesity.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


After a few minutes of checkup, it was not difficult for the doctor to diagnose the case as cataract and conveyed the message to the elderly man who complained of cloudy blurry vision, especially even during examination as the doctor flashed the torch, he said he had problems with lights, including head lights that seemed too bright, glare from lamps or bright sunlight, he also complained of poor night vision, difficulty in reading, and poor night vision.

A cataract is the clouding of the eye’s natural lens, which lies behind the iris and the pupil. The lens not only works as a camera lens, it also adjusts the eye’s focus letting us see things clearly both close and far away. A cataract starts out small, and at first has little effect on the vision. The three types of cataract are: Nuclear cataract- which forms in the nucleus and is due to natural aging changes, Cortical cataract- that forms in the lens cortex, and is found in many diabetics, Sub capsular cataract- which begins at the back of the lens, and is found with people suffering from diabetes, high farsightedness, and those taking high doses of steroids.

Why the lens change as we age, no one knows for sure. Studies suggest that exposure to ultraviolet light, and other types of radiation is associated with cataract development, Airline pilots have a risk of developing nuclear cataract, and astronauts from cosmic radiation. Eating a lot of salt, a diet high in antioxidant, Vitamin C and E may increase your risk on cataract development. Cigarette smoking, air pollution and heavy outdoors are other risk factors. A study has found that reduced cholesterol levels within the eye’s natural lens and in a portion of the brain linked to vision.

Here are a few home remedies that can be effective: Eating loads of raw carrots on a daily basis, if not raw then you can go in for carrot juice once in the morning and then later in the evening is considered valuable as a part of cataract home remedy. Eating 2-3 cloves of garlic everyday and chewing them slowly cleanses the crystalline lens of the eye. Another effective remedy is to put a few drops of unprocessed honey and juice of in the eyes.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


When we hear that someone in our family or a dear one has heart disease, we tend to worry only because we know how important the heart is. An article I read on the Web MD (http://www.webmd.com/) says that Coronory Heart Disease {CHD} is more frequent in women than in men, often because we are older when we develop heart disease and there is evidence that it is not related to menopause. Also a new study indicates that women respond differently to conventional treatments, and have different symptoms, such as shortness of breath and fatigue rather than chest pain or heaviness that men frequently have. The brutal truth is that when a woman suffer from a heart attack, she is more likely than a man to die, be permanently disabled, or have a second attack within a year.

Heart term is a term used for different number of different disease which affects the heart. The most common are: Coronary heart disease, Ischemic heart disease, cardiovascular disease, hypertensive heart disease, vulvular heart disease, hereditary disease. The term “heart failure” can be frightening. It does not mean that the heart has “failed” or stopped working. It means the heart does not pump as well as it should. About 25 to 30 percent of people who have heart disease don’t even know it until something serious happens. It is a good idea to see your doctor for a regular check up and have your cholesterol and triglyceride levels and your blood pressure checked and monitored. If you have chest pain, especially you feel you have an elephant sitting on your chest after climbing the stairs; this could be a warning signal. Nausea or stomach upset, sweating, even if you haven’t been exercising, and feeling weak or tired are some of the symptoms of heart disease.

Conditions that increase a person’s risk for heart disease are called risk factors. The risk factor you can’t do anything about includes: Male sex, older age, family history of heart attack, being post-menopausal. Other risk factors that can be changed include: Smoking, high cholesterol, hypertension, lack of exercise and obesity. Some ways you can reduce your risk of heart disease is to quit smoking, improve cholesterol levels, control high blood pressure, get active, eat right, control diabetes, and manage stress and anger.

Some of the home remedies for heart disease are: Use of amla- being a natural source of Vitamin C, it prevents heart problems. Also daily use of lemon prevents heart problems as it prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessels. Beet juice is considered to be most effective, and daily intake of two pieces of garlic boiled in milk is beneficial for the prevention of heart problems. Fresh grape juice tone up the heart and apple juice and apple jam can be taken in liberal amounts. Regular exercise and brisk walking is most important for a healthy heart. Salt should be restricted and a well balanced diet containing fruits, vegetables and cereals with natural fiber recommended. Excessive intake of alcohol should be avoided and check should be maintained on the two main enemies of the heart that is diabetes and high blood pressure.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Since my maid stopped coming since three days without any prior notice. I started getting worked up thinking of all the chores that had to be done without any help, and to add it my whole body was aching. Just as I begin to grumble again, the door bell rings, and there she stands with sorrow and pain written all over her face. Before I can bombard her with questions she tells me of the bad time she had to go through since her husband has been diagnosed with kidney stones. She also said it was the initial stages, but since he kept complaining of severe pain especially starting from the lower back and abdomen to the groin, and sometimes he vomited and also had painful and burning urination, she had to attend to him. She asked me if I knew of any remedy that could help him pass the stones. I thought of the home remedies I read and shared it with her.

Kidney stone is not a very uncommon disorder. They vary in size from sand, gravel like to the size of a bird’s egg. They are formed from the chemicals found in the urine such as uric acid, oxalic acid, phosphorus and calcium. Most of them are composed of oxalate or phosphate. The latter is common in the presence of infection.. In the majority of cases the cause of kidney stone is unknown. Urinary tract infection, kidney disorders such as cystic kidney disease and also a person with family history is likely to develop stones.Hypercalcuria, excessive intake of vitamin , gout, urinary tract infection are the causes of kidney stones. Also certain foods may promote stone formation.

Since it was just the initial stages and not very serious, I advised her to give him lots and lots of fluid as well as barley or coconut water so as to flush out the small particles of dissolved stones. Watermelon is the safest and best diuretic which can be used with beneficial results. Onion decoction is very helpful. One can drink this by adding water to some bulbs of onion as well as sugar. Regular intake of celery is also valuable for those who are prone to getting stones in the kidney or gall bladder. A very effective remedy I read was drinking 2 oz of olive oil mixed with 2oz of lemon juice followed by 12 oz of water.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Most of the teenagers and also a good number of adults suffer from acne and the condition is not just confined to any age group, race or sex. It affects hundreds of millions of people all across the world. It is not very unusual to develop acne in mid-to-late 20’s, even if they never ever had any breakouts before. Acne, or pimples are one of the worst skin conditions that can have a psychological and social impact on you. While acne is not a life threatening disorder, it can cause permanent scars. Sometimes looking in the mirror can make you scream. Most of us try all the advertised creams to get rid of it. In my opinion instead of spending so much on creams and medications the best way to treat and pamper your skin would be using home remedies that would not only be cheaper on your pocket, but also you will find your skin looking better and better everyday.

Acne is a term used to describe whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. It is a skin problem that is caused by the sebaceous glands which excrete an oily fluid that builds up in the pore of the skin, which is caused by bacteria, plugged skin, natural hormones, junk food, dirt stress, cosmetics and also junk food.

The home remedies that can help your skin free from acne and pimples are given below and I’m sure they will work out for you. Mixing lemon juice with rose water and applying to the affected skin and washing it off with clean water after half an hour usually shows great results in a few days and in a couple of weeks acne should completely disappear. To prevent pimples and blackheads, apply a paste of fresh methi {fenugreek} leaves over the face every night for 10-15 mts and wash with warm water. Applying ripe tomato pulp for one hour and also rubbing a little bit of toothpaste on your pimples before going to bed helps. Simple home vinegar is an effective acne cleanser. Mix it with a little salt and gently rub your face, and wash off after 30 mts. Make a cucumber paste, apply it on your face and let it stay there for several minutes. It will moisturize your skin and you will see a definite improvement on your skin.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I clearly remember the years when I would almost everyday wake up with a running nose and sneezing or a nasal congestion and feel so miserable. It was not just the climatic changes or what I ate or drank that brought the onset of cold. I dreaded the times I had to continue to live with it along with the running nose, body pain, headache, sore throat, loss of appetite and aching muscles. Often I would go to the doctor who would prescribe some antibiotics and medicines which for a time would help, but I did not want to continue with that. Everyone around me tried to help, however, I would always be irritable, until one day I came across a book on home remedies for cold. I started with those remedies and it not only made me feel much better, but also became more chirpy and active. Since we are all familiar with cold, I thought of sharing this remedy to others.

The common cold is an inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, and is contagious and can be caused by a number of viruses which can live and be acquired on objects such as pens, books, coffee cups etc. It is mostly spread by hand-to-hand contact. In case there is fever and persists or returns after three days then it you may have developed bacterial infection.

Amla being a rich source of vitamin C eating one twice a day or drinking the juice strengthens the respiratory immunity. For mucus and first signs of cold, steep 3 or 4 slices of ginger in cup of boiling water. Add honey to taste.
Drinking a hot cup of milk to which ½ tsp of turmeric powder and sugar is added gives much relief from cold. So also garlic juice made by adding few drops of garlic oil to a teaspoonful of onion and diluting it in a cup of water is very helpful.
If you want relief from a dry and stuffy nose, then normal saline or salt water nasal drops made by adding ¼ tsp of table salt to about 4 ml lukewarm water will give much relief. Also black tea prepared with black pepper powder, dry ginger powder and tulsi leaves taken 3 to 4 times a day relieves running nose, headache and sore throat.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Looking at my watch, I was amazed to see how fast time flew. The summer heat being so unbearable, my friend and I thought of spending some time at the beach. It was fun watching the children play in excitement and more than anything I was enjoying the cool air and the sweet corn we bought from the stall.

Suddenly my friend cried in pain as she held her hand on her abdomen. I tried to help not knowing the reason. She stayed in that position for some time and then relaxed. I thought, well, now its time to go home. Later as we were traveling back home she told me that she often got this pain and burning sensation in the upper abdomen due to Acidity. She also said she often complained of headache, vomiting, lack of appetite and heartburn. From all that I have read and gathered I tried making her aware of the causes and how careful she needs to be of her intake on hot spicy foods, fats, sweets and also adulterated and fermented food. She complained of stress which in turn led her to anger, worry, fear which also is the main cause of Acidity. The other few reasons for Acidity, I explained is excessive intake of strong tea or coffee, garlic, onions and also smoking; at that she said never smoked. I also explained of how careful she needs to be on taking any anti-inflammatory drugs and also Aspirin.

Acidity when it begins is quite a simple problem, but can get out of hand easily. The excess production of acid by the gastric glands of the stomach, results in the condition known as acidity. It can also be bought under control if one works on achieving a balance on the physical, mental and spiritual area.

Since she was very hesitant to visit the doctor and wanted to avoid medications such as antacids which she felt would have unwanted side effects I guided her to some practical home remedies for Acidity which would surely give her some relief. Drinking tender coconut water 3-4 times a day will soothe the stomach; also taking 200-250 ml of cold milk in sips would prove beneficial. Taking fresh mint juice everyday and a piece of jaggery every hour would also subside and ease the acidity, and as for fruits watermelon, banana and cucumber would reduce the acidity.