Monday, July 23, 2007


I’m sure all of us would love to get a good night’s sleep, and there are also some who not only love sleeping in the night, but also during the day. However, a common complain we hear from so many these days is that they don’t get enough sleep. Are you one among them? It is said that 1 out of 15 people suffer from insomnia, which is a condition affecting millions of people. Those who suffer from insomnia may not be able to fall asleep. They may wake up during the night and not be able to fall back to sleep, or they may wake up too early in the morning.

Insomnia is a serious sleeping disorder that leads to anxiety, fatigue, severe depression, and lack of concentration, irritability, lack of motivation and productivity and variety of health problems. Since the effect of insomnia is severe adults can be at risk of injury and physical and emotional difficulty. Insomnia can be transient {short term}, intermittent {on and off}, or chronic {on-going}. Chronic insomnia is either primary which is not related to any health problem or secondary which is caused by a medical condition such as cancer, asthma, or arthritis or drugs, stress or mental health problems. It is said that women are twice more likely to suffer from insomnia than men.

The most common cause of insomnia is mental tension brought about by worry, anxiety, overexcitement or even overwork. Other causes could be anger, bitterness, feeling of resentment, constipation, overeating at night, smoking; excessive tea or coffee, dyspepsia or even going to bed hungry all can cause sleeplessness. Also environmental factors such as noise, light and stale air can cause insomnia.

It is very easy to pop up a pill and put yourself to sleep. But even before getting addicted to the pills, I would recommend you to try the natural treatment which would be the safest and easiest way of putting yourself to sleep:
Drinking a cup of warm milk, sweetened with honey every night before going to bed is said to be very valuable in getting sleep. Another good remedy is, rubbing your feet with an aromatic body lotion or dipping your feet in a hot tub before bed time. Try and drink a cup of lemon tea or chamomile tea. I have also heard of curd being useful in insomnia. You can eat plenty of curd and even massage it on the head, as this will induce sleep. Try to include raw onion salads into your daily diet; this brings sleep without any side effect. Regular active exercise during the day and mild exercise before bed time enhances the quantity and quality of sleep. It is best that the person take a low salt diet as salt is said to interfere with a restful sleep. It is also a good habit to read, as it will help you sleep at the same time you get to enjoy a book. I have heard that this one really works- comb your hair and then ask your beloved to simply tingle the hairs of your head. Meditation is said to be a sure shot for bringing normal and deep sleep.

So, here’s wishing you all a good night’s sleep.

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