Typhoid fever is caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. If the immune system is unable to stop the infection in the bowel, then it will multiply and spread to the bloodstream, with the first sign of fever. In the second phase of the disease, the bacterium penetrates the immune tissue of the small intestine, and thus violent small bowel symptoms begin.
The common causes of Typhoid fever would thus be mainly ingestion of contaminated food or water, especially contamination of water where there is inadequate sewage system and poor sanitation. It is also caused when the person is in contact with a chronic carrier or with an acute case of typhoid fever.
The common symptoms that can be observed in Typhoid fever are constipation followed by diarrhea, bloody stools, fever especially at night, chills, stomach pain, weakness, fatigue, malaise, sore throat, slow heart rate, uneasiness, general discomfort or ill-feeling.
Some of the common home remedies for curing typhoid fever: First of all the patient should be well looked after. As the patient is ill, a high energy, protein, fluid diet is recommended in the beginning. Only easily digestible fruits like sweet lime, oranges etc. may be given and should be kept in a clean and airy room. Mash a ripe banana along with 1 tablespoon honey and eat twice a day for few days. Eating banana pulp mixed with butter milk reduces the fever during typhoid. Drinking hot water mixed with honey as well as drinking apple juice is beneficial. Another good remedy is to boil five cloves in water for 10 minutes and filter this. After cooling drink this decoction twice a day and get relief from Typhoid fever. Once the fever goes down semi-solid foods like khichiri, rice with curd, custard and kheer may be given.