Monday, November 26, 2007


It's easy to think of being healthy, but really difficult to act on it. Actually its not very hard as you think, it is the habit of eating healthy that changes the course of your lifestyle. You may eat plenty of food but if you are not getting the nutrients then it is a waste. For a rich nutritious diet you need to include foods like vegetables, fruits, whole-grain products and fat-free or low-free dairy products. Eating vegetables and fruits help you control your weight and blood pressure. Whole-grain foods help you feel full, thus enabling you to manage your weight and eating fish especially salmon, and herring help lower your risk of death from coronory heart disease.

Many medical studies show thathealthy diets are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. Those who maintain a normal body weight are less likely to develop heart problems. Most importantly one needs to restrict saturated fat and minimize consumption of trans fats that are found in processed bake goods. It is recommendable to reduce consumption of beverages that contain added sugar and also eating foods with added sugar. If you want to be healthy, avoid tobacco and tobacco products as well as keep alcohol consumption moderate.

Staying healthy also means exercising. Physical inactivity is a major risk factor for cardiovascu;ar disease. Walking, swimming, cycling, jogging, dancing is all good for your heart. Adults from age 18-65 should get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise to stay fit. Daily physical activity improves blood circulation, keeps weight under control, prevents bone loss, improves the ability to sleep well, increses muscle strength, counters the conditions that lead to heart attack and stroke in later stages of life, helps manage stress,and especially in older people prevents chronic illnesses and diseases and maintains quality of life.

The botttom line for staying helathy is eating healthy low-fat foods, maintaing healthy body weight, maintaining regular physical activity, avoiding tobacco and consuming alsohol in moderation. After we all live just once, so why not live it the best.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


According to me, the most natural and popular form of exercise is walking, and the benefits that one reaps from this form of exercise is numerous. The best method to be followed is brisk walking- wherein one does not get so breathless{ should be be able to maintain a conversatin} and nor would I call it as strolling. A 30 minute to 1 hour would be great especially as it can reduce the risk of many diseases such as heart attack, lowers blood pressure,improves blood circulation and psoture, helps prevent osteporosis, reduces the risk of cancer of the colon and also reduces anxiety, tension nd improves ones mood.

Walking is something that can be done with the young and the old. Since walking strengthens the bones one is less likely to fall and suffer any injuries such as hip farctures, as well as there is better movement of the joints and muscles. One thing that encouraged me most about what I read few days back was that women who split their 30 minute walking into three 10-minute walks lost more weight and a greater decrease in waist size. The best thing about walking is that fat is burnt up instead of sugar, which helps in resucing weight. If you are ill, you need to consult your doctor who will surely tell you to walk first at very gentle pace, however later you can increase your distance and pace.

It is important for parents to show excitement to their kids about the prospects of walking especially to those children who are obese and inactive only watching TV and playing games on computers. Wether you want to keep fit, control your weight or improve your general health, walking can help. By making walking your daily routine, you can stay away from many physical and emotional illnesses. It is not late even now especially for those who have'nt started, beleive me. Its better late than never even if you are 40 or 60 instead of being a couch potato begin walking and make it your daily routine and see how you reap the benefit.

Monday, November 12, 2007


The other day I came across an article and I was startled to read that infected tooth and gums can lead to degrading of general health and untimely death. We are all so concerned about our general physical health and rarely do we think about our oral health. Other than the routine brushing that is done in the morning not much of care is given after eating or even before going to bed. But did you know that infected teeth and gums pump huge amounts of bacteria in blood during eating and swallowing, which is the main cause of heart problems and diabetes.

Quick action needs to be taken to improve or maintain dental health which in turn will safeguard general health. People have become so negligent towards oral health that any early symptom of the disease is regarded ass important and may even go unnoticed. Unless this attitude changes dental disease dental disease will be life threatening as any other disease. Top priority should be given to dental caries and disease of the gums, tooth cavities and oral cancer.

Patients with high risk of heart disease should maintain high level of oral health. Also studies have shown a variety of intracranial complications as well as systemic disease, gastro intestinal, ocular, skin and renal diseases that may occur as a result of dental infections.

A professional cleaning and advice needs to be obtained every 6-12 months from a dentist. The worst problem encountered with oral hygiene is foul smell from the mouth which is of great social embarrassment. Of course another major problem one encounter these days is oral cancer because of smoking, pan and ghutka chewing and various other tobacco products. These problems if not detected early can cause disfigurement and life threatening problems. As I said earlier ‘Health is Wealth’ so remember it’s not just the general health but the overall health including the tooth and the gums that needs to be taken care of. Also earlier the diagnosis earlier the treatment of dental problems preventing complications that can be life threatening.